5 Movements You need To Perfom in Gym To Build A Back Just Like Zyzz

5 Movements You need To Perfom in Gym To Build A Back Just Like Zyzz

Aziz Shavershian, also known as Zyzz, was known for his impressive Greek God-like aesthetic physique. He was particularly well-known for his well-developed back muscles, which were a result of his dedication to a strict workout regimen. In this essay, we will discuss Zyzz’s Greek God aesthetic back workout and how he achieved his impressive back muscles.

Zyzz’s back workout was intense and focused on building both thickness and width in his back muscles. He would typically begin his workout with a warm-up exercise to get his blood flowing and his muscles prepared for the workout. This would usually involve some light cardio or stretching exercises.

After the warm-up, Zyzz would move on to his primary back exercises. One of his favorite exercises was the wide grip pull-up. This exercise targets the latissimus dorsi muscle, which is the largest muscle in the back. Zyzz would typically do four sets of 10-12 reps of wide grip pull-ups, with a minute rest in between each set.

The second exercise that Zyzz would typically perform was the bent-over barbell row. This exercise targets the rhomboids and trapezius muscles, which are important for building thickness in the back. Zyzz would usually perform four sets of 8-10 reps of bent-over barbell rows, with a minute rest in between each set.

The third exercise that Zyzz would perform was the one-arm dumbbell row. This exercise targets the lower lats and the teres major muscle, which are important for building width in the back. Zyzz would typically perform four sets of 8-10 reps of one-arm dumbbell rows on each arm, with a minute rest in between each set.

The fourth exercise that Zyzz would perform was the seated cable row. This exercise targets the mid-back muscles, which are important for overall back development. Zyzz would usually perform four sets of 10-12 reps of seated cable rows, with a minute rest in between each set.

After completing these four exercises, Zyzz would finish his back workout with a few isolation exercises to really target specific areas of the back. One of his favorite isolation exercises was the straight-arm pull-down, which targets the lats and the teres major muscle. He would typically perform three sets of 12-15 reps of straight-arm pull-downs, with a minute rest in between each set.

Another isolation exercise that Zyzz would perform was the cable pullover, which targets the upper lats and the teres major muscle. He would usually perform three sets of 12-15 reps of cable pullovers, with a minute rest in between each set.

Zyzz’s back workout was intense and focused on building both thickness and width in his back muscles. He would typically perform four primary exercises, followed by a few isolation exercises to really target specific areas of the back. He would usually perform four sets of each exercise, with a minute rest in between each set.

In addition to his workout regimen, Zyzz was also dedicated to his nutrition and would consume a high protein diet to support his muscle growth. He would typically consume six meals a day, consisting of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

In conclusion, Zyzz’s Greek God aesthetic back workout was intense and focused on building both thickness and width in his back muscles. He would typically perform four primary exercises, followed by a few isolation exercises to really target specific areas of the back. His dedication to his workout regimen and his nutrition were key factors in achieving his impressive back muscles and overall aesthetic physique.

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